A box of chocolates

If you’re old enough to remember the movie Forest Gump then undoubtedly you’ll remember the phrase “Life is like a box of chocolates. You don’t ever know what you’ll get”. I might be paraphrasing a little there but you get the gist if it.

Life can be so random and we can easily send ourselves down so many rabbit holes at times with what is happening in our lives, the ways it pivots and changes from one moment to the next. Always an experience to be had. Sometimes feeling like it is beyond our control and at others being so in the zone when things go so perfectly that it’s like a dream, the likes of which we don’t ever want to wake up from.

We all have a narrative. The story of our lives to date that we relay to others. Have you ever thought about why you tell that story the way you do? Sometimes we have no control over what life throws at us. We ALWAYS have control over the way that we respond to it though. Are you the victim or the hero of your story? It’s not about denying or masking events in your life. It is about how YOU RESPOND to them.

Don’t get me wrong, the facts are the facts but are you the victim or the hero of your story? Is that the way you want the world to see you? You get to choose. You get to rewrite your narrative in a way that makes you feel uplifted and powerful and allows you to look the world in the eye and say fuck you! You get to do that regardless of your personality or your circumstances or your income or what has happened in your life to date.

It’s a truly powerful thing. You don’t have to tell anybody you’ve done it. They’ll probably wonder what happened to you though because you changing your narrative and realising the strength within you built on those facts and the narrative that you choose to share is powerful and it shows. Even if you say nothing, it shows. In the way your eyes twinkle, the way you carry yourself in the world. The way your hold your head up and breathe deeply acknowledging exactly how far you have come.


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